Thursday, June 12, 2014

E day

Last Saturday, Michaela picked out the first letter for our alphabet challenge.  The letter was E.  I was worried at first that she was not going to have as much interest in this project as I thought, until she started saying things like..."I'm elated, Mom" and "ENOUGH!", all with a little smile on her face.  


We started the morning with EVERYONE in our family sitting together, thinking of E things.  I made EGGS for breakfast.  We then EXERCISED at gymnastics.  When we got home Ryan and I taught Michaela about *EMAIL.  We had asked family to send some emails and we went some time reading through the ones that were sent.  Michaela LOVES to "type", so she was all too happy to send some emails back.  Later in the afternoon we EXERCISED some more by going to the pool.  When we got home we had an ENCHILADA dinner with EDAMAME.  Overall, I would say it is an EXCELLENT E day.
*Several years ago, there was a commercial in which a Dad created an email for his newborn daughter.  The commercial shows the Dad sending emails complete with photos and videos to his daughter as she grows up.  Ryan and I both thought this was a great idea and he followed through and created an email account for Michaela shortly after she was born.  E day was the first time it was really used.    


EXERCISE at the pool